Safe Environment - Protecting Children and Vulnerable Adults
The Oratory of Ss. Gregory & Augustine follows the Archdiocese of St. Louis Safe Environment Program (this includes Protecting God’s Children training). The program is designed to help protect the youth, elderly, and vulnerable adults of our parish as they participate in activities within our community. This process also provides a layer of protection against the possibility of false accusations for those adults who are involved in our many apostolates and ministries.
Learn more at the following links:
Archdiocese of St. Louis Main Website
Prevent and Protect Main Website
All adults working with children and vulnerable adults through Oratory apostolates and ministries must be registered in the Safe Environment System, which includes a multi-step process and training. Schedules for workshops can be found on the Prevent and Protect website. To register in the the Safe Environment system through the Oratory of SS. Gregory & Augustine, use the instructions located here.
All older children (high school age) working with young children must sign the Ethical Code of Conducts for Minors. This form can be found here: Ethical Code of Conduct for Older Minors.
For questions about the Safe Environment policies as implemented at the Oratory of SS. Gregory & Augustine, contact:
Anna Kalinowski, Child Safety Coordinator
Assistance for Victims of Sexual Abuse
Victims of sexual abuse, in addition to contacting civil authorities, are asked to come forward in order to receive pastoral assistance. Reports of abuse may be made to any Pastor or to:
Sandra Price
Executive Director
Office of Child & Youth Protection
(314) 792-7704
Missouri Department of Social Services
Children’s Division Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline
Missouri Department of Heath & Senior Services
Adult Abuse and Neglect Hotline
Anyone wishing to make a complaint of sexual abuse or other related misconduct against a bishop may make such a report at or by calling toll-free 1-800-276-1562.